We will be another voice to be heard when our voice is needed. We will advocate for and protect those who cannot do these themselves. We will offer superior support to families we serve. They will be aware that they are not alone in this journey. We will strive to help the member’s we serve to live with purpose, dignity and self-esteem.
We envision an environment that is rich in support, creativity, and diversity. We will strengthen the families of the members we serve by educating, enriching, and protecting them to the best of our ability. We will share our successes and work hard to learn from our errors. We will grow to be an encompassing team of supports available on many levels.
We understand the journey many of our families face from a personal perspective as well as the challenges and barriers across the continuum of care, from birth through teen and early adult hood as our daughter is in her early adult years now.
Wee Care strives to offer a variety of services while keeping our eyes on current best practices and proven models of treatment. We take pride in our ability to engage with teams of additional professionals in areas of care that we are not currently offering internally. We consider each individual and customize the treatment so they can achieve the most independence and a life less restricted. Wee Care has seen many of our members grow from childhood into adulthood and have successfully been able to graduate many of our members from services and have also been able to hire members to work within our own organization.
We see it as an honor to serve our community and have sponsored the City of Phoenix in creating an inclusive program for the community in the Laveen area. We also take pride in our advocacy efforts and are involved in several organizations and committees so that we may help be a voice for our members and their families. We often are a resource for those whom we are not serving, and we will help those who call upon us by pointing them in the right direction for the needed supports.
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) – person-centered care delivered in the individual’s home and community.